Friday, February 11, 2011

Is London for Tourists only?

London, I tend to refer to this city with mixed feelings. It is one of the most spectacular places in England but as all the capitals in Europe, it does not represent the British in the best possible way.

As a tourist attraction London is visited by millions of tourists each year. Most of them do it only for the sport of being in the famous London Hotels and taking pictures in front of the Houses of Parliament as though no one would believe that they have been there. Being a traveler is entirely different. Personally I will take a picture of the monument, but visit its interior, too. If possible. What is the point of having a pic in front of Tower Bridge and when someone asks you what is Tower Bridge you reply shortly: a building in London.

I had the pleasure to stay in one of the reputed hotels in Mayfair. I met many photographers, gazing through the lances of their cameras and admiring the splendid river Themes. London reminds me of Paris in some way. But the English are more friendly and accommodating than the French bourgeois. I think you would agree. 

London is so overwhelming than gradually you become part of it, without even noticing how it entices you. I do not like being in the central area, the main reason I checked out from the Mayfair hotels, and enjoyed taking tours with the tube to the extreme end of London. When you are in the centre the London Eye and the other landmarks seem to attract me as magnets, and I would have missed the other beauties spread around. 
Whenever you visit London, admire it with your eyes and heart.

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