Sunday, October 30, 2011

Great Scottish Exports

When it comes to great Scottish exports, the first thing that comes to most people’s mind is Scottish whisky and rightly so. Scottish whisky is drunk in every corner of the earth. From Africa to the furthest tips of the Northern Hemisphere, the drink is known and associated with Scotland.

There are however other great exports from Scotland. Some might say North Sea oil is arguably Scotland’s most important export, but there are less controversial goods which Scotland exports to other parts of the world – shortbread, for instance.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to sell second hand boat equipment

Upgraded your boat or sold recently and want to get rid of unwanted sailing gear? Then head to one of the specialist car boot sales around the country only for boat enthusiasts.

When planning to go to a boat jumble it is wise to think ahead about what you want to take with you and what you are prepared to bring back. Do you want to get rid of everything, no matter the cost, because storage is too tiresome? Think carefully about transporting your items. Will you need a trailer or will it all fit in the boot of a car?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Irn-Bru: The Great Scottish Beverage

Whiskey, haggis, bagpipes, kilts, ginger hair and ruddy faces are just a few of the things that should come to mind from the word ‘Scotland.’ But one thing that’s forgotten is another Scottish beverage, one that’s usually eclipsed by whiskey, but one that’s still very important to Scottish popular culture. Irn-Bru is a soft, fizzy drink that’s sold in cans and bottles throughout the UK, though it’s most famously sold in Scotland. It’s fair to call Irn-Bru Scotland’s equivalent to Coca Cola, as, after all, it outsells coke and is the most popular fizzy drink in the country.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Trip That Changed Her Life

My mother retired about 3 years ago from being a school teacher. Ever since she retired her whole life changed. She used to have this routine that filled up a big part of her life. She would go to work in the morning for the whole day and then back home she would do a little cleaning, do some home-work like correcting copies and then maybe watch a movie. And this routine was filling her life.