Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unpopular London Attractions

London is one of the most visited European cities. As a British capital it boasts with numerous tourist attractions. You may know the most famous of them The London Eye, Tower Bridge and so on. But it turns out that the best places in London are not among the most popular. Check out some of them.
The London Aquarium - this building actually is big enough, but no one notices it just because its location, directly behind the the London Eye. Who would have guessed that there is such a thing?
Paddington hotels - they are those astounding buildings that everyone passes by very quickly because they are the central area. It is true that people are to busy to admire the real beauty.
London Pubs - "beerland" is the second name of England. Beer is served by the pint. And be careful, it is has a higher alcohol percentage than normal European beers. England is the birthplace of football and pubs. So one of the best things to do is drink a cold beer while watching the game on the TV.
If you have finally paid attention to hotels in Paddington, you will be able to spot Кensigton palace, too. The former dwellings of the first lady of England Lady Diana has lost its popularity. But you can make a difference and visit it.

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